sweetness from the northwoods

100 Mill St Gin was born in the little northern Wisconsin town of Laona, surrounded by maple forest, the ancestral home of founder Peter Connor. As a steward of the trees by profession and a gin scholar by enthusiasm, Peter was struck by the simplicity of using nature’s most sustainable sugar for an elegant spirit base.

Paired with maple sap’s natural sweetness is a conscientious selection of 14 unique and beguiling botanicals. Though led by juniper, the “secret recipe” (spoiler: not really a secret) coalesces to produce a unique umami that speaks highly of itself on its own and across any gin cocktail.  

always local, always small-batch

Our unofficial motto Valor Cog Flora (“Value with Botanicals,” if you’re generous with translation) contains the first letter of each of our botanicals after the essential juniper. 

The story of our special pure maple base, both local and truly sustainable– sets 100 Mill St Gin apart from the craft crowd. It is created by master distiller Erin Dosh in small batches from scratch in Minnesota with a Wisconsin home base. We are truly a Wiscon-sota  (Minne-sconsin?) operation. Production is limited by the spring maple tapping season, so grab a bottle while the sap is flowing!

our team



    Our founder Peter Connor is both a gin maven and a forester firmly rooted in northeastern Wisconsin. After the opportunity of performing a craft gin study for a large liquor retailer, he determined what he would do to make a really special craft gin, using a familiar local product, pure maple sap. The result of his experiments impressed everyone who tasted it. He can be found working and hanging out with family in Minneapolis, MN, Laona, WI, and parts farther flung.



    Erin Dosh is our woman on the ground in Minneapolis crafting 100 Mill St Gin, all by hand from sap to bottle. She fell-on-purpose into the craft distilling industry in 2015. Her artist soul and practical mind make distilling 100 Mill St Gin the perfect pursuit. Like Peter, Erin is also a Wisconsin native excited to show off what the Northwoods can produce. You can see her being very silly showing off her skills on Discovery’s Moonshiners: Master Distiller, S05E02, “Big Box Challenge.”